Desiring not just of being patriotic.
Of the people, democracy is not all.
Making a movement is not the only thought.
Love, hate and sadness, echoes on.
Desiring to trek the path again.
Lovers and comrades.
Unto the square we go.
Death or live, together we always will.
Please forward and distribute
dizzidenza (echoes from Tinanman)
Cultural Square of Freedom Action
Desiring not just of being patriotic.
Of the people, democracy is not all.
Making a movement is not the only thought.
Love, hate and sadness, echoes on.
Desiring to trek the path again.
Lovers and comrades.
Unto the square we go.
Death or live, together we always will.
Since ’97 (the return of Hong Kong to the Mainland), dizzidenza has been an annual music gathering echoing the independent dissents raised during June 4th, 1989. Fifteen years have gone by, people’s voices are still being organized, voices of dissent are still being arranged. We believe that people’s independent voices of dissent must be acknowledged and facilitated. Therefore, we refrain from organizing and arranging for the performance this year, and send out here an open call for participation. Hoping those who get the message shall bring along their own equipments of amplification; performance or display to gather at the area next to the “The Soaring Frenchman” sculpture in front of the Tsimshatsui Cultural Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong at 8:09 p.m. on June 3rd to realize an cultural square of the voices of the independent dissents and the freedom to action.
In a square of openness, any voice must certainly be honoured. If any discord should happens, accord could only be made with mutual care among the involved participants to achieve a just co-ordination and arrangement.
Furthermore, we think that a people’s square is of the people and for the people, any uninvited interruption by any governing parties are un-necessary and is actually a repressive act to suppress the people’s freedom of expression and action. Therefore, this gathering of cultural square will not submit any application nor notification to any governing bodies. Thus, the participants might have to face and react to interruption by the governing parties. However, since we called this gathering a square of the people, the mutual care and support among people to face up to and resolve any pressing problem will be of utmost importance.
the dizzident
from Southeast of Mainland China
26 April 2004