星期三, 5月 10, 2006

the legend of The Lord of the Ring - 魔戒傳說

in the longest days after the longest night, i was trying to find a way out from the sea of melancholy in which i was sinking into. it was then i came across the following message in the maze of the web. following its lead, i caught a glimpse into the lost wisdom of the prehistoric. and it dawned on me that this message and wisdom has always been with us and its sharing and spreading is a must............


now, for the first time ever, the hidden prophecies of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic epic, The Lord of the Rings, are decoded in this accurate re-edit of Peter Jackson's blockbuster motion picture. unknownst to many readers, The Lord of the Rings - once thought to be merely a story of archetypal struggle between good and evil - has been found to contain astute prophetic messages about the impending crisis of capitalist modernity.

隱藏於托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)的經典名著中的預言將在這段把彼德積臣(Peter Jackson)的電影重新精確剪輯的片段中首次解密披露。魔戒被認為是一個敘述正邪之間鬥爭的典型故事。但 未為大部份讀者所知,魔戒實在隱藏著對現代資本主義所引致的危機的訊息,。

numerous scholars and linguists have already deciphered the main theme of The Lord of the Rings as being the freedom of ordinary people to be left alone from the ruling elites. however, Tolkien's hidden messages about the disasters of capitalism and the insightful predictions about the current political climate have not been made public until now. The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade includes subtitles of the decoded dialogues in painstaking detail and the true identities that the story's characters represent within the prophecy.


hado i philinn!

"Mordor is in our midst." - J.R.R. Tolkien

click on the title of this post to catch a glimpse into the lost wisdom
